Hang Chakra (Cambodia) filmmaker, journalist.
Venerable Luon Sovath (Cambodia) land rights activist, poet, essayist, videographer.
Cui Zi’en (China) Chinese writer and filmmaker.
Du Daobin (China) online essayist.
Fan Yanqiong (China) writer.
Gao Yu (China) journalist, editor.
Guo Quan (China) former professor, writer.
Hada (China) writer.
Liu Xianbin (China) writer, democracy activist.
Tan Zuoren (China) literary editor, writer and environmental activist.
Tumenulzii Buyanmend (China) essayist.
Zhu Yufu (China) journalist, writer.
Upi Asmaradhana (Indonesia) journalist, advocate for press freedom.
Semuel Waileruny (Indonesia) scholar, lawyer, writer and political activist.
Zunar (Malaysia) political caroonist.
Alan Shadrake (Singapore) author, journalist and former foreign correspondent.
Chiranuch Premchaiporn (Thailand) executive director of the Bangkok-based Foundation for Community Educational Media (FCEM).
Phan Thanh Hai (Vietnam) dissident writer, blogger and founding member of the Club for Free Journalists.
Vi Duc Hoi (Vietnam) writer and blogger.
Ho Thi Bich Khuong (Vietnam) writer, activist for the rights of landless poor people, freedom of expression and freedom of association.
Le Tran Luat (Vietnam) former lawyer, blogger.
Nguyen Xuan Nghia (Vietnam) journalist, novelist, poet, and editorial board member of the underground democracy bulletin, To Quoc (Fatherland).
Ta Phong Tan (Vietnam) writer, journalist, and blogger.
Nguyen Bac Truyen (Vietnam) writer and former political prisoner.
Cu Huy Ha Vu (Vietnam) artist with a doctorate in law from the Sorbonne.
Nikolai Khalezin (Belarus) journalist, newspaper editor and playwright.
Ramazan Yesergeopov (Kazakhstan) writer and editor.
Ali Abduleman (Bahrain) proponent of freedom of expression, blogger.
Bahman Amhadi-Amouee (Iran) journalist, editor.
Keveh Kermanshahi (Iran) journalist and human rights activist.
Amir Rashidi (Iran) blogger and activist.
Rafael Marques de Morais (Angola) journalist and writer.
Pierre Roger Lambo Sandjo (known as Lapiro de Mbanga) (Cameroon) singer-songwriter.
Deo Namujimbo (DRC) writer and radio journalist.
Abebe Gellaw (Ethiopia) journalist, writer and Advocacy and Development Director of Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT), an independent television station broadcasting direct to Ethiopia.
Zerihun Tesfayae Wondimagegon (Ethiopia) journalist.
Robert Wanyonyi (Kenya) print-radio-television journalist
Elias Adam Hassan (Somalia) journalist.
Hisham Adam (Sudan) writer and novelist.
Luis H. Najera (Mexico) journlaist.
Carlos Correa (Venezuela) director of the Venezuelan nongovernmental organization Public Space (Espacio Público), which advocates for freedom of expression in Venezuela.