| (above) Madonna del Parto. Piero della Francesca. ca. 1459. Museo della Madonna del Parto, Monterchi. (left) Madonna del Parto, Taddeo Gaddi, Chiesa di San Francesco di Paola (Florence) (below) Nardo Cione. ca. 1355-60. Museo Bandini, Fiesole. Madonna del Parto [Madonna of childbirth].
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart . . . Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
C. G. Jung
The Madonna del Parto is a fresco painting by Piero della Francesca. One historical account reports that Francesca completed the piece in seven days while in Sansepolcro for his mother's death [1459]. The painting features a liberal amount of blu oltremare, also known as ultramarinum [beyond the sea], obtained from imported lapis lazuli. Popular with Italian painters in the fourteenth and fifteenth centures, blu oltermare was also very expensive, at times exceeding gold in cost. Artists were sparing in their use of it, reserving the color for the robes of the Virgin Mary and the Christ child. |