In 2003, I moved to New York City to attend graduate school in psychology at New York University. During my last year I pursued an independent study that focused on the way we tell stories and how that impacts the emergence of the Self. I called my work the Scheherazade Project.
The narrative philosophy in the Scheherazade Project emphasizes intrinsic values, a form of meaning making that focuses on the importance of community and harmony. There is an emphasis on relationships — relationships with each other, with our selves, with the planet.
Following graduation I took my work into clinical and private creative practice. My portfolio and work reflect its influence.
In 2006 I launched Life as Myth ( and began experimenting online with my narrative philosophy. Twenty years later Life as Myth and the Scheherazade Project continue to inform my creative work and everyday life. As I develop new applications for different platforms, I continue to discover ways that this philosophy might help us navigate the challenges of our future world.
Scheherazade is the Persian storyteller from The Arabian Nights, known for her famous spiral of stories. By telling her stories she not only saved her own life, but transformed the heart of a kingdom. "Life as Myth", Usher. Collected writings (2002 - )